
When I got the black belt, Master asked 
"What is the meaning of black belt for you?"
I Said " Black belt is the meaning of the beginning.
Master said "That's right, you won a battle with yourself by martial art, 
you are entitled to the right to help other people"
"Black belt is not the meaning of the end, 
you have just gained the qualification to begin real martial art"

What's Training All About?

Successful Karate cannot be achieved if the mind isn't strong enough to master the body, or the body strong enough to carry out the activities demanded by Karate-do.

Physical training is what we do to

(a) learn the moves and techniques used in Karate-do, and
(b) keep (or get!) fit.

The action of physical training, where we require the body to withstand stresses it would not normally tolerate, demands the use of the mind, to push the body along. This simple mastery, where the mind controls the actions of the body, is reflected in the words of Master Funakoshi: Mazu jiko wo shire, shikoshite tao wo shire - "Know yourself first, and then others".

Consider it this way: in a fight, the objective is to master your opponent. But if you cannot master yourself first, how can you hope to prevail against an enemy? Training helps us to know - or master - ourselves, and thus frees us to overcome all obstacles.

How do we train?

A typical training session in a Dojo begins with a warm-up routine. This is mostly calisthenics, involving some vigorous jumping (up/down, side-to-side, forward/backward/, etc.), neck rotations, arm exercises, leg extensions, torso/hip movement, and so on.
This is followed by basics. These are geared to the grades of the students; thus beginners will concentrate on individual techniques (such as Choku Zuki , Age Uke, Mae Geri, etc.), while more advanced students will cover combination techniques, starting with Age Uke / Gyaku Zuki, and progressing to more complex examples, like Mae Geri / Kekomi / Shuto Uchi / Gyaku Zuki / Gedan Barai.

This is almost always followed by Kata, and again, the Kata performed will (generally) reflect the grades of the students. Thus, for example, White belts and Blue belts will practice Taikyoku Shodan, Green belts will practice Taikyoku Shodan plus all the Heian Katas up to Heian YondanBunkai (application) will also usually feature.

Kumite (sparring) also has its part, and numerous lessons.

When a grading is approaching, training naturally concentrates on the syllabus, but at other times, Sensei may decide to introduce other martial arts techniques, or self-defense moves, etc., to broaden the experience of the students.

What About Self Defense?

Self Defense is all about not getting into trouble but, if you do, getting out of it as quickly and safely as possible

It is for anyone who feels threatened by someone else, and now-a-days this can happen anytime anywhere. It could be road rage - with all the stress of today's roads, traffic jams and delays when you're on tight schedules it’s no wonder some people feel agitated by it all and something snaps. So most of the time a simple block or parry will give every one time to think again and realize that they have crossed the line they cool down, but sometimes the situation will need more drastic action, and that is where your KARATE training will help, because all self-defense comes from at least one sort of martial art. It teaches control, so at least the caretaker should not suffer from road rage (we could add shopping rage, airport rage or any kind of rage you care to think of!)
So here are some simple rules to help you.

(a) Take control. Find out what the attacker wants (know your enemy) if it’s not really worth fighting for , give it to them.
(b) Do not be brave. If you have the chance to run, do it (guard against impetuous courage).
(c) Try not to put yourself in the situation to start with. Stay away from places that you do not feel safe in, and never go alone. Remember there is safety in numbers.
(d) And last, but not least, train in some kind of martial art. Shotokan Karate will teach you everything you need to give you the edge and much more.